LilySlim Weight loss tickers

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Thursday, August 22, 2013

weigh in and first day of school

Day of surgery: 127 kg or 280 pounds 
Today: 106.6 kg or 235.0 pounds
Loss last week: -0.7 kg or -1.5 pounds
Total loss: 20.4 kg or 45.0 pounds

I am OK with how things are going now that the bf is home. He is a great support and kinda keeps me in line food wise haha except for that ice cream I had last night (well we had to celebrate that they accepted our offer on the apartment and that all the data needed is now in the hands of the bank, I am trying to be super positive that they will say yes to our loan). 

My scale was all over the place this morning. I always step on it twice if the number is really low and this morning it was 106.5(233.7) and I thought that couldn't be right so I stepped on it again at least 5 times and got 3 different results so I am going with the middle one the highest it showed was 106.8 (235.5) so it is not like it is a huge difference.

Today is the first day of school and I am so not up to this. I wanna cuss a bit just for getting up this early. Had my clock set on 6:50 am and I woke up a bit before that. My lucky kid doesn't have to go to school until tomorrow morning but we have to stop by there today to get the schedule and stuff.

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