LilySlim Weight loss tickers

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Saturday, January 26, 2013

stupid weather plus junky

So lets start with the worse stuff as both my complaints tonight are bad in my books.

Stupid storm is crossing the country and that means lots of wind and I can't sleep in too much wind and from what I am hearing outside now it is going to be a long night for me. I just wish it was summer, like tomorrow would be good for me. I am not made for this weather and I hate the cold and sub zero snow, well I don't like snow in general but once the weather is like -10 °C (that's 14 degrees F for you non metric people ) the snow starts to make this awful crunching sound and I hate it. So even if the summers here are not that warm average heat july/august is maybe between 10-20 °C ( 50-68 F) I can not wait till it comes.

OK on to the other bad stuff, today's diet. I feel like I ate 10.000 kcal today but it was not that bad but bad it was, I in total today eaten 2 slices of homemade pizza round 11" and 2 homemade pancakes (not the American kind, Icelandic pancakes are more like Crepes very thin and tiny the size of a dessert plate about 6"), ooh and yeah like 6 teaspoons full of chocolate ice-cream. I have sinned today for sure. I am blaming TOM but really it is my fault for not making the right choices. But I will do better tomorrow I swear.

This is how I feel like I behaved today.


  1. LOL love the little piggy graphic. That's how i felt ALLLLLL WEEEEEK. (Also blamed it on my monthly). But I'm back on track now. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Take care in your weather hon. I get what you mean about less than nutritious eating. I'm with ya

  3. This week will come to an end, I promise! Good old hormones.

  4. Love the piggy! But seriously don't be too hard on yourself. Compared to a preband binge, it isn't that bad. Why do you live in Iceland if you don't like cold weather?

    1. True it was not nearly as bad as preband binges. I live here mostly cause I was born here and I'm in school and well also cause my bf is not really that into moving abroad. I have been talking about moving for years but I am not seeing it happen to be honest :(
