LilySlim Weight loss tickers

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Last Saturday I got a call from an unknown foreign number, I thought it might be my doc or the car rental but when I answered I could not hear a thing. Ok so today I sent the doc a email and did not expect him to call me until later this week so my boyfriend and I went to the movies, guess who called like 15 minutes into the god damned freaking movie. My doc!! #%&$#&#$"$!# ARG and I could not get up and answer it as I was sat in the middle of the freaking row. Anywhootz he left a voice mail telling me that he will call again this week, most likely tomorrow or the day after. Is it some kind of curse :( am I not meant to get that call :( I am livid and I want to call him back like right now even though he is like 2 hours ahead of me so it is past midnight hahahaha but I will just have to apologize like a million times when he calls again. I feel like the worst patient ever and that he wont like me for not picking up and not hearing when the connection was obviously not working. I know it is stupid but that's how I feel. Ugh think I´m off to bed to wallow.


  1. Haha! Sorry to laugh but docs are used to playing phone tag and it took him like a week to call you in the first place. He's not mad. It's not like your life stopped waiting for him to call you. It'll be fine. :)

  2. hahaha yeah, I don't feel like this today lol just a lil drama yesterday hahaha
