LilySlim Weight loss tickers

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Thursday, September 20, 2012

mmm cake

That's the cake I made this morning. The blunder with the oven did no harm. I love making cakes, even though I wont get to taste them. This cake was for a son of my friends sister, wow toung breaker.

I have not measured my bp today. I think I will do it sometime later, but I think I´ll have to have these numbers for my doc appointment tomorrow. Yeah worring about my bp can raise it and I wouldn't be surprised if it had, that and the fact that I am the most stressed out person I know, cause I stress about nothing and everything.

I had the most humiliating thing happen to me at school today. I had to go to class and was late, will tell why later in this post. Anywhoot, I and a friend are doing a assingment, ok so she choses a spot in the end of the line, so I have to squeeze myself to try and get to my seat. That went pretty ok, but when I was leaving it was another story. I was like a big fat lump of destruction, I was trying to move without anyone noticing but oh did that fail, as computers, books and other stuff were moved by my massive protruding belly. I almost wanted to disappear but instead I kinda ran from out of there.  This is one of the reasons I really want this surgery, I just want to be somewhat normal.

The reason I was late is because I can be ever so harebrained and when I went shopping yesterday I put my wallet (just a tiny sack for my cards) into the grocery bag, then I started tidying up and used those bags, well I threw the trash away and only round noon did I realize I didn't have my wallet, and just then I had this bad feeling that I knew where it was. After ramsacking the kitchen I figured I should go with my gut and yup I went down to the common garbage room, we have a garbage shoot in this place. Thankfully the garbage men had yet to arrive so I could dumpster dive all I wanted, well dumpster dive is not really right. My wallet was in the second bag I checked out. Heart attack averted. Wonder where I´ll place it next time.



  1. The cake is awsome like all the cakes you make :)
    You and me are never going to be normal híhíhí.
    We are drama queens, nerveus wrecks and perfect in our own silly way :O)
    Love ya!

    1. hahahaha that's true indeed, but you know what I mean :-þ

  2. great job on the cake! Wish I could do that!

  3. I hate that feeling when you lose your wallet! I tend to lose my debit card all the time (because I don't always like carrying my purse around). It drives my husband crazy.

    Cute cake!
