LilySlim Weight loss tickers

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Saturday, June 15, 2013

what the doctor said

Well my doctor has replied to my email last night. He thinks I should go get a slight fill and that means I will be getting it from someone other than him and that scares me but at the same time it is nice because that means it will be done with an x-ray so I or they will see the band and if stuff looks right. He also said he is not concerned about this discomfort / mild pain I have been having. And that he wants to look at that himself when he comes to Iceland in late August. This x-ray thing should ease my mind somewhat I think. I also kinda want to see stuff go down not sure if I can see it for myself.

In other stuff, it is very obvious that June 17th is fast approaching when you drop to the shops here. I will be home alone with the kid, my mother and my siblings are out of town and so is my bf. Me and the kid are hoping for a good weather so we can go for a short hike and then maybe try and grill some foal for our selfs mmmm hope I get good weather because I wont grill in the rain.


  1. Im sure the fill will be fine- I think it would be cool to have it done by x-ray.
    I hope the weather stays good for you and your son to enjoy

  2. Foal? As in baby horse? I'm fascinated with the cultural differences; clearly I'm not that educated. :)
    Good luck with the fill. Don't worry, everything will be fine & hopefully your discomfort clears up quickly!

    1. yup a foal as in baby horse it is the most tender meat on a grill you can find. I know some of people abroad think that is disgusting but I don't see it well that's because it is a common food source here. For me I don't see the difference between eating a baby horse or pig or cow or... well you get the drift. But I do realize there are differences between customs, because I find it horrible that in other countries people eat dogs hahaha guess that's how others feel about us eating horses

    2. I've heard it's good, but for some reason it is faux pas here in the US. I've always wondered the same, actually. It doesn't make sense that we eat so many animals but not horses. I guess it's possibly due to the fact that they're service animals & pigs, cows aren't. I'm not sure.

  3. Kind of cool to see the fill thru an xray!
