LilySlim Weight loss tickers

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Friday, April 26, 2013

Not the best choices

I dont know what is happening, since I started exercising I have been getting much more hungrier, have an appointment on May 13th and I so need a slight fill apparently. I was at school today and I was starving and when I went home I bought a bag of chips and dip, I had cola in the fridge since whenever unopened. I dont know why I bought it or why I ate some of it, I probobly 1/3 of that bag (the bag is 175 grams or 6.2 ounces) and just barely touched that dip and I still have half of that glass left, I am just craving water at the moment. I honestly feel kind of queasy and am so not getting what the Fudge! I was thinking. Why did I not chose well today, I have been doing so good and finally gotten on a roll in my loss again? Well cant beat myself up forever no matter how much I might want to. I will try and at least burn about 1000 kcal tomorrow just for my sanity hahaha ugh I am so pissed at myself ARRRRRG!!


  1. last i checked you are human and humans fall. Pick youself up and dust yourself off and learn from it, don't beat yourself up over a slip up.
    With the increase in excersice you are buring through more calories and yes you do need to eat more to compensate for it. choose higher protien and higer fiber to keep you satisfied longer. (and a fill wouldn't hurt either)
    hope tomorrow is a better day for you

  2. I think you are being way too hard on yourself, too. I think your body is giving you feedback - maybe you need sodium or more food. I find if I get into the mindset of needing to "make up for" something I feel I did wrong, that keeps me in that bad place longer. It is best for me to just think if I can take anything useful from the experience (anything I can learn? Why do I think it happened? What might I do differently next time?) and then forgive myself and move forward with a clean slate to the next hour of the day. I try to remember that one small slip isn't going to make a big difference. And it really is often when I learn useful things.

  3. I totally understand how you feel! Best thing to do is let it go and move on. I have gone through this numerous times! Nice thing is we get to start again! Chin up and Keep up the good work!
