LilySlim Weight loss tickers

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

eating to little?

Had any of you a sudden loss of hunger? I am having a hard time today and yesterday to eat enough. I just dont really feel that hungry anymore, and therefore I forget to eat.

Take today, I ate small bowl of applesauce with cream, dont even think it was half a cup. Then for lunch I made a tuna salad and put it in a 4 oz cup (half a cup) and I almost didnt finish it. And now it is dinner time and I am beginning to be a bit hungry and am going to eat that potato.

Do you know circa how many kcal I should be consuming? I got nothing about that from the doctor. Going to look online as well.


  1. I would make sure you stay hydrated and if you are not eating much it should mainly be protein and make sure you take a multi..but always check with your doc..he should have instructions.

  2. I would talk to your dr. If you aren't eating very much then I would make sure what you are eating is as protein and nutrition packed as possible. Like Jenn said stay hydrated.

  3. Since you were just banded, I think you are probably good where you are right now.

  4. I think it's fine. You're supposed to eat 1/2 - 1 1/2 c of food per meal. No worries yet. You're still healing. Also, the band works on when you're on liquids, they slide righ through. Actually getting texture and real food may be keeping you from getting hungry also. Did you doc put any fluid in your band during surgery?
